Tag Archives: free wedding

I need a HUGE favor..if you have a heart!

20 Mar

I never ask you guys for anything. And I promise I will never (well maybe not anytime soon) as you for anything EVER again! But I need a huge favor in the name of love!

Despite all of my belly aching about dating and all the bull shit that comes with it I am totally a romantic optimistic (not to be confused with being a hopeless romantic). Despite the heart aches and disappointments I believe that love is just waiting on my number to be called so it can swoop down on me and make all the tears and heartache worth it.

BUT in the mean time I find hope in seeing my friends, who have gone through the same thing as me, find their HAPPILY ever after. There is nothing that makes me happier than getting a call from a friend whose tears I wiped or to whom I leant a shoulder or drove an escape vehicle for (don’t judge me…) telling me they are getting married to a man who finally treats them how they’ve always DESERVED to be treated.IMG_188519216426626-1

My friend Tressa is such a friend and man does she have an AWESOME story. BUT before I get to all that I’m just going to tell you what I want from you. Her and her rock star fiancé just sold one home so they could buy their dream house together. They’re saving up to pay for their wedding so they can start a family (Simmer down youngins..lol) but you know that shit is expensive! Ain’t no body got time to be paying 20% down on a new house (you know they want your first kid and left arm now that the housing bubble has burst..thanks Subprime Mortgage Lenders) just to turn around and spend everything they have left on a wedding.

Well they were just picked by Windy City Live in Chicago to possibly receive a free wedding! YES FREE! Like tux, wedding dress, catering, spanx, pushup bra and everything else. This is SUCH an amazing opportunity but they need our help! The winner is chosen by us so all we have to do is vote, VOTE and VOTE (as many times as your heart compels you to..aka..all day until voting closes on April 3rd). They really are an awesome couple and while I’m SURE each of the couples deserve to win, none of them are my friends Tressa and Ron! SOOOOO VOTE for them please! Share this page and ask your friends to vote to! And I promise..I won’t ask you for anything else (at least not this month! LOL).

Here is the link to vote! CLICK HERE

Their Story

When you ask Ron and Tressa how they knew the other was THE ONE they both look at each other and almost simultaneously say “When you know, you know!” After being in and out several bad relationships, Tressa decided to give online dating a try. At the same time, tired of dating that was going nowhere fast Ron was somewhere on the other side of town thinking the same thing! Not wanting to miss an opportunity to play match maker Tressa’s BFF introduced them and it was immediately obvious that the sun and moon had aligned in favor of love that night. The two  had a world wind romance! They met in July 2013 and got engaged in October 2013.

Ron is getting his masters in IT management at Northwestern and is a supervisor at CDW and Tressa is a client services manager. She couldn’t imagine her life without him and is truly relieved to discover that quality men like Ron still existed in the world!

She Said

20131102_225240-2“I knew he was the one  when early in our relationship we went through a very trying time. I went through a health scare and Ron was at my side every step of the way night and day. He wouldn’t leave my side for even a second. He was so loving , caring and supportive. He’s been there for me so much in such a short period of time. It just hit me. I had an Oprah “AHA” moment. I thought, “Wow this man will move mountains just to make me happy and make sure that I’m ok.” I had never had anyone show that level of concern for me before..other than my parents! LOL! I knew after that, he was the one!”

He Said

“It was after our 2nd date. I had dated other women but when I met Tressa I knew I was ready for 20131231_231509forever. I knew she was the one. I don’t have any cute anecdotes. When you know you know and Tressa is the kind of woman..loving, kind, compassionate, beautiful. When you meet her you just know. And I knew.”

Okay..HOW cute are they! TOTES right! So pleaseeeeeeee vote for them! And ask your friends to vote! IT would be everything to me..and US! ❤

Here is the link to vote! CLICK HERE


The Mistress of All Things Fabulous